Atlas PRFree, open, interactive, detailed maps of Puerto Rico for your web applications.

Pueblos - Partidos PolĂ­ticos en el poder (2012)

 1 // change the argument to match your id
 2 var node = document.getElementById("partidos-map");
 3 d3.json("../data/munidata.json", function(data){
 4   var party_datamap = {};
 5   data.forEach(function(pueblo){
 6     //get id of pueblo with leading 0s.
 7     var fips_3digits = pueblo.fips.length == 1 ? ("00" + pueblo.fips) : 
 8       (pueblo.fips.length == 2 ? ("0" + pueblo.fips) : pueblo.fips);
 9     party_datamap[fips_3digits] =;
10   });
11   var party_map = new AtlasPR({node: node, size: "large",tiles: 'pueblos', on_ready: function(){
12     // gotta wait until the map is drawn to color it.
13     party_map.encode_qual(party_datamap, {"PPD": "#ff0000", "PNP": "#0000ff"});
14   }});
15 });
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